Tag Archives: UK Festival Conference

The Show Must Go On report at the UK Festival Conference

Powerful Thinking launched The Show Must Go On, a comprehensive 48-page environmental impact report and call to action, at the UK Festival Conference on November 26, 2015 at London’s Roundhouse. The Show Must Go On will also be presented at the UN Climate Change Conference, Paris, December 2015, where 196 countries will meet to sign a new climate change agreement.

The report defines the current impact of the UK festival sector, discusses where there is potential for reduction and presents a concise overview and proposed roadmap for reduced carbon impact at festivals in-line with international targets. The report aims to inspire the festival industry sector to lead by example in achieving impact reduction targets and calls for festivals to pledge their commitment to achieve a 50% reduction in green house gas emissions by 2025.

The Show Must Go On report offers clear evidence and direction for meaningful action on climate change.” Melvin Benn, Festival Republic

To download the report and find out more about taking the Festival Vision: 2025 pledge: www.powerful-thinking.org.uk/vision2025/